The House of Wood...and brick

An American family of 5 plus a dog...Experience the CHAOS!

The family on top of Mount Evans

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wild Wild West (aka Denver Shootings)

Over on my sister's blog, she wrote a post about this past weekends shoots at two places of worship. Now let me say that I don't think anyone should have a gun, except for hunting and varmint control. Yes, I would sing kumbahya dancing in a field of wildflowers in my Utopian society.

There is a comment about maybe the wild wild wild west was a safer place to be. What I wonder is how many innocent people were killed by their recklessness. I am all for drug dealers killing drug dealers and other wastes in society. In fact, I say lets get them together and put them in an arena with as many rounds that they want and let them have a game of "bullet-paintball". Our crowded jail problem solved. But what gets me are the innocent ones who's lives end too soon and their potential lost forever.

As for the crazies who snap...I just shake my head. For the most part, they are younger folks who haven't even been faced with life's true adversities. Okay, there truly are people who have mental problems, however there are many who do not who are being diagnosed. We are so quick to slap a name on undesirable behavior, ask society for lower expectations on their behave, medicate them heavily, and then what? Question to ponder...are we filling these people with their self-doubt and helplessness which leads to this severe hatred for human life? The mental health industry makes me sick... I think as a society we need to buck up and deal with it. Life is not wonderful....if it were, we would not have a need for an idyllic heaven and the promises of God to bribe us through life. And, if you feel you can not make it another day, leave everyone alone, be finished with you and face the consequence as you go before your maker.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Interesting point of view. I went to the Westroads last night it had been exactly a week since the shootings there. It was all so sad and made you sick to your stomach thinking what this person wanted. He wanted to be famous and popular because you know he wasn't in high school. It isn't worth it and its definetly not worth killing someone over. So you lost your job who cares many people lose there job every day but they don't go around killing people. Did he not think of what his family is going through now? People being upset with his family for what he has went and done. Kids these days just don't think about what they are doing and how its going to affect people.