The House of Wood...and brick

An American family of 5 plus a dog...Experience the CHAOS!

The family on top of Mount Evans

Friday, March 30, 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog

I am getting some flack from my sister about me not blogging during my job search. I am searching for the job of my dreams and not just a job so this might be a quite lengthy process. I have had an potential opportunity in the past month which has still been unresolved, but more on that another time. As I mentioned in my introduction blog, I have been an event planner since I graduated from college in 1996. I have planned events for local and national associations, corporations and (my favorite) for business-to-business media companies doing tradeshows. I have specialized in adult continuing education or as we know in the biz "conferences".

I was invited to Anaheim to observe a tradeshow and a potential job opportunity with that organization. It is an amazing tradeshow (made the top 200) and we are currently still playing our "game of poker".

As one of my reader mentioned on another blog that I should not worried about blogging because my life is commendable as I am not a heroine addict, child pornographer or all around party animal, however I don't think that is all employers are looking at. Recruiters and hiring managers are looking for someone to fit their corporate culture, a birds of a feather flock together theory. And in an industry such as mine, they are looking for young, unmarried, thin, hip, no children...the basic unattached, work 80 hour weeks, partyin' Tom, Dick and Jane. And as you can see from my blog...I am not. But what I am is a tell-it-straight, work hard in the time given, love my family type. All of which, I can communicate in an interview however I cannot if I am given the chance.

I do and do often google my name to see what comes up. All of which is good, especially all my quotes from trade pubs quoting my agenda for a show that was held in 2000. So I guess my concern is not that I don't want potential employers to see that "real" me but that I don't want them to prematurely judge my qualification as an event planner with 3 kids, 2 dogs, 3 fish and a husband.

I love my career path and want to stay with it. This is a challenge since generally it requires a bit of travel and some non-traditional hours. But I love working the floor, helping make people's businesses better, and promoting trends and forward-thinking in any industry. I love to re-invent potential and yes, the traveling perks.

I have also received some "don't you have a family to take care of" comments and therefore that idea that my blogging is somehow a sacrifice to the family. But I come back with a big piss off on that one. Yes, I have a brain and all of it is not going to be used solely on my child rearing. Love them a bunch but I definitely sacrificed enough for them. So, do you think Mr. Bell got this kind of flack when he invented the telephone? You know all those folks wastin' their time on that crazy phone...chattin' up to no good.

Whewwwww!!!! That was a rant!!!!

PS. Any good Poker tips...this job negotiation sucks!


LaDawn said...

Career Coach Hat On

If they want a hip trendy young partying til the wee hours of the mornin' sort of person, then you don't want to work for them! Be your true authentic self. If you try to be any more/less/other than you are then they/you will be disappointed/frustrated.

LaDawn said...

PS Yeah, I love the fact that a lot of people are telling me what I should or should not spend my time on. They say they just doon't have any free time. Well maybe that is because they spend so much time assessing what other people are doing. Keep your own sand box clear of poo and there will be no poo.

PPS I wish I could up up with a witty response to these people. Unfortunately, I get so angry I just glare.

LaDawn said...

PPPS Negotiating tip: Remember he needs you more than you need him.

Janell said...

Wow! You are very eloquent - I'll be tit makes you good at event planning. I don't know much about that career, but maybe you should freelance or start your own biz?

LaDawn said...

A mistake anybody could make! Hardly vulgar, only slighty risque.