The House of Wood...and brick

An American family of 5 plus a dog...Experience the CHAOS!

The family on top of Mount Evans

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Death in the Family

I am sad to say that Carson's beloved goldfish, Lucky passed away on Tuesday, April 10th. He died of natural causes at the age of 10 months. He is survived by the Woodhouse Family, and fellow tank mates Tiger and Dark-siden. Burial services were in the back yard which include the humming of Taps and a few loving words. He will be missed everyday until he is replaced. In lieu of flowers, please post a comment on the post with thoughts and prayers.

The manner of discovering his death played out like this:

Creighton: Carson, I think Lucky is dead.

Carson: What?

Creighton: Lucky is dead.

Carson: Maybe he is sleeping?

Creighton: I don't fink so.

Carson: Why?

Creighton: He is not moving a fing and his back is down! He NOT moving a FING!!!

Carson: Oh no...he isn't moving a FING. He is DEAD! Crying, Crying, Crying......


Brooke said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about your loss! If there is anything I can do please just let me know! We miss you and love you all. You are in our prayers!

LaDawn said...

Is it appropriate to send flowers? I've looked up death of a fish in the etiquette bible and she has made no recommendation. She doesn't even address the situation. It is an appalling omission.

Please give my deepest sympathies to you and your family, as well as the tank mates.

We know your pain. We saw the passing of 12 goldfish in 4 weeks. It was a masacre. Frank died a few months back but Toby lives on ruling over his little watery world alone!

Anonymous said...

Dear Carson and family.. We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your good friend and family member, Lucky. If there is anything Grandma Wink and Pa Pa Jack can do please let us know. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.. All our love Grandma and Papa Jack

Janell said...

Carson; I just know how broken hearted you must feel right now, but I'm sure you took good care of Lucky and gave him a good life and were a good friend to him while he was with you.
God bless you and give my regards to Lucky's tankmates.

stephanie said...

Thank you to all for your warm words. I am happy to announce that Carson has a new fish for the tank, Lucky 2. :)

JMarie said...

Carson, I'm so sorry to hear about Lucky 1 and glad that Lucky 2 is now with you. May he live long and prosper.

We had nothing but Sams in our Sam would die, but there were still Sams swimming around. It took the sting out of things a bit. The final remaining Sam (around six years old) passed away and Grandma Mary put him in a ziplock bag in her freezer until spring. Then he was transferred to the garden to fertilize her tomatoes. Ashes to ashes.

Auntie Leah

Gram-momster said...

Hi C and C, Sorry to hear that your friend Lucky kicked the bucket (parents explain this). Your new Lucky is indeed lucky to have a new home and not swimming with the other fishes at the store.
Little does Leah know that I still have a "Sam" in the freezer waiting for a tree!
Love, Grandma Mary