Audrey's play was "Mice from Outer Space" and the moral of the story was that we all might be different but we all bring value and must learn to live together peacefully. How democratic of them! Audrey did have a speaking line. After the space mice have saved the earth mice from the bad cat, Audrey pleads...."Does this mean we can stay here with you?" After a week of practice, she was right on que and performed it beautifully. My little Drama Queen.
Wish there was video. She doesn't look entirely happy to be there! As always, I am very proud of her. Her hair is soooooo long! She's beautiful.
PS Welcome back to blogging.
PPS Why have you enabled comment moderation?
It goes without saying that Audrey is the CUTEST mouse EVER!!
Sorry about the comment moderation. That was not on purpose. Then I was checking my blog for comments, I was in a huff that I wasn't getting any comments. I checked my setting and Voila! Sorry :)
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